Cyber Security Awareness

Cyber Security Awareness

Cyber Security Awareness Course Overview

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The impact of the online world continues to expand into our daily routines. We shop, work, play, and communicate with others online.

As we grow more connected to the digital space, we need to become more aware of the hazards, and more cognizant of the steps associated with keeping our data, and confidential information, safe.

In Module 1, we will review the risks of cyber attack, some methods used by cyber criminals, and what you can do to protect yourself and your company.In Module 2, we will review some risks and precautions to take when dealing with Internet Browsers, Free Wi-Fi and open networks, mobile device security, and much more.

Cyber Security Awareness
Cyber Security Awareness
Cyber Security Awareness
Cyber Security Awareness
Cyber Security Awareness
Cyber Security Awareness